3.03 - design control

The Standard

3.03 - Design Control

The organisation shall plan and implement suitable arrangements to ensure that the design process clearly identifies

  • Design stages
  • Responsibilities and authorities
  • Approval process
  • Review process

Minimum considerations throughout the design process should include

  • Form and function
  • Statutory and regulatory requirements 

Suitable controls should also be in place to ensure revisions and alterations to design are recorded and that any changes are evaluated against the above criteria

Guidance Notes

In this section we’re concerned that whoever undertakes the design is competent, that there is an awareness of the various legal requirements such as DDA, CDM and the like. PI insurance is also likely to be required.

In addition, what is the process for getting client approval and for making sure the approved design is the one that gets implemented?

 Its largely about document control. If the company does not carry out design this is not assessed.

Many companies outsource the design process, in which case how is the process managed, are subcontractors “vetted” and their insurances, skills and knowledge recorded?

Possible Sources of Evidence

Much of the evidence required for this section will be covered in standard terms of business or contracts implemented by the organisation. In addition documents such as client questionnaires will demonstrate adherence to client brief (form and function) and clear knowledge of statutory requirements may be demonstrated by knowledge and use of regulation websites.

