Training Provider declaration

My organisation will:

  1. Co-operate fully with BALI ROLO
  2. Actively promote BALI and the ROLO standards
  3. Not undertake any activity or advertising that could bring the name of BALI or ROLO into disrepute
  4. Adhere to all BALI & ROLO policies and procedures, terms and conditions for continued training provider recognition and course approval
  5. Fully support BALI’s training provider/course delivery monitoring process, including, but not limited to, allowing nominated representatives of BALI full access to all relevant records, premises, virtual
    sessions, and learners
  6. Deliver ROLO courses in accordance with the law including any relevant Equality, Copyright, Freedom of Information and Data Protection laws
  7. Monitor, review, and evaluate its operations, policies and procedures and keep auditable records
  8. Commit sufficient managerial and other resources to allow it to undertake the delivery of ROLO course(s) efficiently and effectively

I confirm:

  1. My organisation is fully committed to employing, training, and developing a sufficient number of appropriately qualified staff to ensure appropriate management, delivery, assessment and quality
    assurance as per course requirements
  2. The roles, responsibilities, authorities and accountabilities of the delivery and assessment of ROLO courses are clearly defined, allocated and understood
  3. We will promptly make available records, information or documents associated with the delivery/review of the course(s) and allow representatives of BALI access to such materials, records,
    premises, and learners
  4. Information supplied to BALI for the purposes of registration and certification will be complete, accurate and fully comply with all applicable Data Protection and Freedom of Information laws
  5. The final assessment procedure will be open, fair, and free from bias
  6. BALI will be notified of any issues which put at risk my centre’s ability to meet the centre approval criteria, including any issues which have the potential to cause an adverse effect on any learner or
    other stakeholder
  7. BALI will be notified immediately of any changes to my organisation which materially affect the way in which we conduct business, including but not limited to a change in the management or ownership of the organisation, and changes to the sites at which ROLO courses are provided
  8. My organisation will ensure that its staff and representatives will at all times treat BALI staff and representatives respectfully and without threat of or actual verbal or physical abuse and I understand
    that any breach of this term may lead to withdrawal of training provider approval


  1. My organisation will comply with BALI’s terms and conditions for payment of invoices
  2. I understand that approval of a course by BALI does not imply or guarantee that it will be supported by public funding bodies


  1. I understand that BALI has the right to refuse approval without giving reasons as to their decision
  2. I understand that there is no right of appeal against approval decisions
  3. I understand that my organisation will be asked by BALI on an annual basis to confirm that, unless as previously notified to BALI, there have been no material changes that would affect centre approval or course delivery
  4. BALI ROLO training provider approval and course delivery approval constitute a binding agreement between BALI and the training provider and may not be transferred, sold, or otherwise assigned to
    any third party, save as part of a change of organisation ownership notified and approved by BALI. Should my organisation close, I shall inform BALI in writing
  5. I understand that my organisation must adhere to the specific terms of approval granted by BALI, and failure to do so could result in the removal of Training Provider and/or course delivery approval
  6. I understand that if my organisation withdraws from course delivery for any reason, my organisation will take all reasonable steps to protect the interests of the learners

Withdrawal of approval:

  1. I understand that BALI reserves the right to withdraw training provider approval and/or course delivery approval if BALI considers, in its absolute discretion, that:
    a. My organisation fails to continue to meet the training provider approval and/or course delivery approval criteria or quality is otherwise not maintained
    b. My organisation remains inactive for two years or more (that is, makes no new registrations and has no active learners on ROLO courses for two years)
    c. The examination/assessment systems have been brought into disrepute or otherwise harm or potentially harm BALI and /or ROLO's reputation
    d. Any of the matters set out in my organisation’s application are or become incorrect and BALI has not been informed in writing of such a change and/or such a change is not acceptable to BALI
    e. My organisation fails to comply with any of the obligations I have agreed to on behalf of my organisation as set out in these terms and conditions and the BALI Quality Assurance policy
  2. My organisation fails to pay BALI's invoices within 30 days