news article

South East Water lift temporary use ban (TUB)

09 Aug 2023 | Technical News

From Monday 4 August 2023, the temporary use ban operating within the South East Water catchment, covering Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire, has been lifted. This means all previous restrictions on domestic water use in these areas have ceased.  

This decision has been taken following both the reduction in demand and sustained periods of rainfall, which have ensured water storage facilities are fully recharged.

Following a hot and dry June, July in the UK was the 6th wettest on record with 140mm (170% of average). Despite the cool, wet July, the record-breaking June weather means the summer this year has been warmer than average so far.  

Note: a temporary use ban remains across Cornwall and parts of Devon, within the South West Water catchment. 

Further reading

South East Water update

South West Water Temporary Use Ban

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