news article

Best practice guidelines released to ensure fire safety compliance for living walls

22 Aug 2023 | Technical News

The Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017 prompted the government to review building regulations and fire safety guidance.  The updated rules that resulted from this review have implications for the use of living walls on residential and non-residential properties.

Earlier this year, Accredited members Biotecture, Mitie, and the Association released a best practice document, in partnership with ANS Global, outlining the industry's best practices for living walls to maximise fire safety and demonstrate compliance with the regulations regarding fire safety and external cladding.

Within the document are recommendations on specifications, and material selection, including plants and detailing robust irrigation and maintenance procedures to assure continued compliance. Use of the document will allow any regulatory or other body to specify and condition living walls as external cladding with confidence.

The document is free and can be downloaded directly from the Biotecture website.

Additional information is available from the ANS Global website.

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