news article

GeoGrow provide hydroseeding to attenuation basin in Telford

13 Nov 2023 | BALI Member News

Accredited Supplier GeoGrow provided hydroseeding to an attenuation basin located at the front of a new housing development in Lawley Village, Telford. Access to the basin was extremely limited, restricting the machinery that could get to the site. Furthermore, previous applications of conventional sowing had been unsuccessful, with vegetation struggling to become established.

Client: Taylor Wimpey

Contractor: GeoGrow®

Completed: June 2020

Area: 3,000m²

GeoGrow provided hydroseeding to an attenuation basin located at the front of a new housing development in Lawley Village, Telford. Access to the basin was extremely limited, restricting the machinery that could get to the site. Furthermore, previous applications of conventional sowing had been unsuccessful, with vegetation struggling to become established.

GeoGrow put forward a hydroseeding solution that would provide full vegetation across the pond and surrounding areas, a solution that would help to achieve the site’s biodiversity net gain target.

In line with the Client’s landscaping specification, we completed the hydroseeding using two different seed mixes. The basin area was to be hydroseeded with a pond edge and wildflower seed mix, and the surrounding areas hydroseeded with an amenity grass mix. We utilised Mesic™ Wood Mulch to deliver the seed, a high-performance mulch that protects the seed and provides temporary erosion control whilst the vegetation establishes.

To overcome access limitations, we used our smaller, towable, Finn T60 hydroseeding machine to complete the work. The boundaries for each seed type were marked out before the work commenced ensuring the team could being the application as soon as they arrived to site. The hydroseeding machine was positioned at the southern edge of the basin, the hoses long enough to reach the opposite side. The team began spraying the northern side of the basin first, working backwards towards the southern edge, ensuring that the freshly sprayed area wasn’t walked on.

The application took one and a half days to complete. Hydroseeding the basin using Mesic Wood Mulch ensured the seed was bound to the sloping basin soils. This technique allows even seed distribution as well as retaining large amounts of water within the fibre. In turn, this helps to speed along the germination process, with vegetation growth taking beginning two weeks after installation. The area was fully vegetated 18 months later, achieving a diverse mix of grass and wildflower species.

To find out more about our hydroseeding services and how it can be used to benefit your project click here, or get in touch with the team to discuss more.

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