news article

Advertise your apprenticeship vacancies for free!

18 May 2022 | BALI News

GoLandscape, the Association’s education, skills and careers initiative, designed to inform and inspire new recruits and combat industry issues such as the skills shortage has teamed up with Not Going To Uni for a three-month campaign launched this May.

About Not Going to Uni
Not Going To Uni is the leading digital platform for school and college leavers considering the alternatives to the traditional university route and the website is aimed predominantly at 16–24-year-olds. The site generates 75,000 school leaver applications each year and has 126,521 school leavers currently registered so is a great place to spotlight your opportunities.
Promote your apprenticeship vacancies – for free!
Not only are we going to be promoting careers in landscaping with regular blogs and case studies, but we are also going to be advertising your apprenticeship vacancies, with no charge over the next quarter.
How to advertise your apprenticeship vacancies
Complete the online form below to submit your vacancy – offer open to all membership types.

Click HERE to advertise now.

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