BALI Statement: Glyphosate use by landscape professionals

5 July 2019

Document - 211kb PDF

The British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI) is committed to championing the highest standards of design, construction and maintenance in the landscape industry. We proudly support the activities of the landscape profession whilst respecting both the important role our members play as custodians of the landscape, and the intrinsic value of protecting the environment. BALI relies on technical guidance from The Health and Safety Executive’s Chemicals Regulation Division. We would like to remind stakeholders that, following review of scientific data in November 2017, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Chemicals Agency’s Committee for Risk Assessment found no link between cancer in humans and glyphosate use. BALI will continue to monitor the scientific evidence presented, but until new guidance emerges from regulatory bodies including the Health and Safety Executive, will continue to advocate the use of Glyphosate according to industry best practice and as part of an integrated weed management strategy.

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